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Statistic database is a very important source of information to business investment and development. Through statistical methods, multiple sources of data could be integrated as indicators to show the current economic status. These indicators would help policy makers in determining and forming related economic policies. 


The Council for Economic Planning and Development launched the Business Indicators Database in 2008 to show the economic status in terms of the performance of industries, manufactures, and services (data limited in retail and restaurants). 


Taiwan Institute of Economic Research also has an Economic Forecast Database analyzing the status of manufacturing industries with data including demand, raw material supply, cost, price, and business environment. Even though this analysis is based on manufacturing industries including petrochemicals, electrical machinery, transport equipment, etc, the information provided is still very valuable to service industries. 


Data and analysis available are mostly for manufacturing industries. Therefore, the Commerce Development Research Institute launched the Index of Service Industry (Chinese language only), consisting of three dimensions - the stock market, manpower and salary, and operations in 2011 to focus on the economical status of service industries in Taiwan.