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26 Enterprises Have Now Passed the TIPS Verification by the Ministry of Economic, Demonstrating Excellent Performance and Outcome.Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA

In recent years, competitions among manufacturing industries have gone from competing for product technology, features, and services to now competing for company’s intellectual property, global strategies, and management styles. Intellectual property management is not only related to research and development, but also a key tactic to a company’s expansion plans. Therefore, the Ministry of Economic Affairs actively promotes TIPS to help enterprises building their own intellectual property management system that is in line with the respective corporate culture. In 2015, a total of 26 enterprises have obtained the TIPS verification by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. TIPS certification will be given by Ming-Ji Wu, the Director General of Industrial Development Bureau at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, on the 30th of March at the TIPS Awarding Ceremony& Seminar at the GIS NTU Convention Center. This certification is a recognition for excellent performance and outcome of those enterprises which implemented and carried out intellectual property management system.

Since Industrial Development Bureau began to promote TIPS by in the 2007, there are currently more than 1,123 institutions today that have built intellectual property management system; these institutions include traditional manufacturing industries, biotechnology, biomedical, service, and many other industries. The result of TIPS promotion is generally considered very successful.
With the TIPS system, companies are able to protect their core technology and, prevent litigations and the leakage of secret information. In order to improve corporate TIPS and incorporate TIPS into every company workflow, Industrial Development Bureau began this year to promote different intellectual property management at different levels, depending on the types and stages of the enterprise.

Contact Organization: Knowledge Service _Division, Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs
Contact Person: Mr.Chen
Contact Phone: (02)2754-1255 ext. 2411