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TWCSI to hold Service Round Table Event in Washington, DC2013-10-08

“Services and Investment:

Keys to Global Economic Success in Taiwan and the Asia Pacific”

In connection with Coalition of Service Industries' 2013 Global Services Summit, this breakfast
roundtable will focus on services and investment as keys to economic advancement in the Asia
Pacific.  Join us for a discussion on how the services industry bolsters international
competitiveness in the Asia Pacific, and for a review of perspectives on U.S.-Taiwan investment
relations. Confirmed speakers include:

  • Ms. Christine J. Bliss, Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Services and Investment
  • Mr. Dale Jieh, Deputy Chief Negotiator, Office of Trade Negotiations, Taiwan Ministry of Economic Affairs

Date: Thursday, October 31, 2013
Time: 8:30-10:20 a.m.
Venue: Offices of Crowell & Moring LLP 1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC

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