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2018 WTO & RTA International Conference: The Prospects and Challenges of Globalization and Multilateral Trade Organization


Since 2016, international economic environment has become less predictable because of the rise in protectionist trade policies, which creates uncertainties for the future of globalization and economic integrations in the global community. The United States, which used to advocate the multilateral trading system and trade liberalization, now steers its way toward unilateralism, and gives more weight to fair trade than free trade. Besides withdrawing from the TPP and embracing bilateral agreements, the United States also contested the efficacy of WTO system at the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference, held in Argentina last year. In the meantime, the global economic integrations that are driven by technological developments, would keep on moving. Yet, the structures and the formations of the integrations may be significantly different with the help of Industry 4.0. Under such circumstances, the Taiwan WTO & RTA Center chooses “the Prospects and Challenges of Globalization and Multilateral Trading Organization” as the conference topic, in hopes of increasing the public understanding of the latest international trading issues and future developments.

Organized by: Taiwan WTO & RTA Center, CIER; Taiwan Coalition of Service Industries
Supported by: Bureau of Foreign Trade, MOEA; MOFA
Date: October 26, 2018 (Friday)
Venue: Room 201DE, Taipei International Convention Center (1 Hsin-Yi Road,Section 5,Taipei)

*主辦單位保有調整議程之權。The conference agenda is subject to change.
*活動以中、英文進行,全程備有即時口譯。(Simultaneous bilingual translations service provided)

一、    報名方式

(一)    即日起接受線上報名,報名網址: http://seminar.cier.edu.tw/Regfrm.asp?id=201810261
(二)    本研討會可登錄公務人員學習時數,需登錄者,請務必於報名時填寫身分證字號。
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(四)    若有任何疑問,歡迎來電詢問:02-2735 6006 轉3346 施小姐。

二、    交通資訊:
(一)    會場地址:11049台北市信義路五段1號
1.    捷運:台北101/世貿站 1號出口
2.    公車:20、37、284、284直、611、650、935、1032、1503、1551、1552、2025、9001、9009、南軟通勤雙和線在世貿中心站下車。
3.    自行開車:台北國際貿易中心停車費一小時60元;台北市政府地下停車場一小時30元